We are Consultants
We are a consultant group. The United States has essentially hired us to come in and clean up the rogue agencies that are not following the law. We get paid handsomely for our work but these agencies are egotistical and want to continue to operate as though they are above the law.
We are the true law enforcement. Look up the State statutes for "citizen's arrest." We can detain and arrest people and we can even write proposed indictments. You would be astonished by the amount of power you have (substantially more than a police officer... even within statutory texts!)
We are consultants that have been called in to assist in correcting a business. That business is called "United States." Our job is to correct areas of that business that are rogue and are doing things that are not good or helpful for the people of the 50 nation states. Not everything about this business is an issue... in fact many areas are perfectly fine.
But the areas that are really bad... mainly the Treasury and the Dept of Motor Vehicles... are completely off the rails and need to be reigned in to where they are supposed to be operating.
The main isssues we are facing are CLARITY and DISCLOSURE. Meaning what exactly the contracts are and what exactly is the value and consideration for all parties being transacted. This lack of CLARITY and DISCLOSURE is the ultimate issue with the various rogue agencies of the business called United States. If there was CLARITY abd DISCLOSURE, everything would rapidly and quietly resolve itself without much need for us to intervene.
This is why i push education so hard. Education is the key. One of the biggest aspects of education is DELIVERY. The way in which the information is delivered is, possibly, even more important than the information itself.
As consultants, we need to master EDUCATION and DELIVERY. This is our job and we are being paid handsomely to do so.
We are paid in many ways. Promissory notes of nothing (dollars of WHAT?), do not embrace the totality of exchange. We are paid in thanks, admiration, trust, camaraderie, friendliness, sexual tension, laughter, etc. There are so many avenues of exchange and the ONLY reason that someone would be focused on Federal Reserve Notes would be due to a tremendous scarcity in the area of survival.
We survive well. This group is not for people who cannot survive. Survival is karmatic... it is based on the value you GIVE. You cannot TAKE from an empty well. You CREATE abundance from nothing. This is what our world is: spiritual entities that create something from nothing. This is the definition of our world. In a world of "nothing," you can only take what YOU create. Karma is BY DESIGN.
You must understand this. Pickletarians are creators of their own future. We are painters of our line of travel. There is no room for victim-minded whining. That is left for the BAR Cards (infants and persons of unsound mind).
We cringe under failure and feel anger and rage then allow ourselves to process that and move forward. We advance foot-by-foot. We NEVER relent. We understand that failure is defined as "agreement to cease moving forward" and thus "failure" is a PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY.
There are no negotiations necessary. We are here to fix things. If anyone gets in our way they are given a bit of education and an offer to listen to our pleas. If they refuse, unjustifiably, they are destroyed.
There is no begging. We do not beg. We are here for correction. We are here to correct and will be paid in so many different ways to do so.
Abundance is a mindset. That mindset is only achievable or perceived when we have plenty of something. That idea is an idea that we embody. We laugh when we have nothing. We are never "homeless"...............
We are "homefree."