Economics and Race
This may be a bit of an "edgy" post, even for me... but here we go.
I often see posts by my melanated brothers and sisters (we're all, ultimately, from Africa as far as i'm concerned) regarding the hatred and disgust of having to work. A tiresome attitude towards the daily grind.
In the "white" culture, you don't see that as much.
It's honestly a terrifically fascinating topic.
The melanted race has experienced tremendous suppression and hatred for multiple generations. Far before even the 14th Amendment. I'm starting to believe that they are simply more keen to the tremendous falsities that have occured in our economic world.
We are in an entirely socialist country, where everything is paid for and owned by the Federal government. We are assumed to be, essentially, employees and we are supposed to have a "credit card" (essentially our Social Security card) where we can buy whatever we want or need in accordance with 18 USC 8. It's supposed to be all mommy and daddy's "money."
But somehow that never worked out. Somehow we are here... working harder and harder for what... for pride? For acknowledgment? For acceptance? Acceptance into what? The American spirit? American pride? This could not be farther from the heart of America.
Yet there is a truth in being valuable... being useful... improving the world by you having walked upon it. There is something real about contributing to a greater tomorrow. And this, however convoluted, is the poorly spoken concern of the "white" race.
Neither race is correct. Both races have parts of half of the puzzle. Yes, the melanated individuals are entirely correct... they are instinctually certain that something is VERY wrong with working more and more for nothing. They hear the shackles clacking together every single day and they yearn, as they have yearned for centuries, to be free.
Whereas the "white" man has pride. Or what he believes is pride. Pride in contributing something... anything... no matter how insignificant. To be a cog in a machine he knows not what of.
There is truth in both worlds. I am here working for free, of my own steam and volition, out of no obligation or forced desire. Obligation is sin and the melanated race seems to understand this fact better than the "whites."
All obligation is shackles. There is truly no obligation in this world. There is this false idea that obligation is pride... that being emotionally shakled to a family you do not want is "being a real man."
That is untrue. That is terribly and horribly untrue.
Economics are not primary. No young son or daughter yearn for larger bank accounts. They want a willing and present parent that WANTS to be there.
There are many memes and jokes online of how melanted men are not there as a father. Whether this is true or not, in Indiana where i grew up, a disgruntled and drunk "white" father that beats his children and hates being there is common... yet shrugged off as not an issue.
I laugh at racist memes and enioy them thoroughly, but laughter is ultimately rejection. I believe racism is enjoyed by only the truly intelligent because you have to see the ridiculousness and sarcasm in it to laugh and enjoy it. Those who gasp and run away and those who agree in anger are both equally lost.
America is racist. America is beyond racist. America has had a problem with racism since far before 1871. In fact, it was so normalized prior to 1871 that few people even dared to question it.
Both races are correct: there should be no pride in being a worthless cog in a corporate machine, but at the same time... contributing to your fellow man and your country and assisting those in need are the most glorious things that one could embark on.
There is an apparent misunderstanding between the melanated and "white" man that is nothing more than an illusion. We are all in the same 14th Amendment nightmare now and, the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can work together to clean up this mess.