Definitions - Questions and Answers Section:

  • Federal (when capitalized, for example in 28 USC 3002(15)(A)):
    Meaning in between the corporate States (Federal enclaves), all of which are exercised in the District of Columbia in accordance with 4 USC 72 -Brandon Joe Williams

  • State (when capitalized, for example in 28 USC 3002(14)):
    Typically referring to an area of “exclusive jurisdiction” to the national seat of government. This would include (meaning this is an exhaustive list) the District of Columbia, U.S. territories/Territories, U.S. insular possessions and Federally registered tribal land. -Brandon Joe Williams

  • state (when lowercase such as that used in 8 USC 1101(a)(21)):
    In its largest sense, a "state" is a body politic or a society of men. -Black's Law 6th Edition

  • Ens legis:
    A creature of the law; an artificial being, as contrasted with a natural person. Applied to corporations, considered as deriving their existence entirely from the law. -Black’s Law 4th Edition

  • Public corporation:
    A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to act as an agency in the administration of civil government. -Black’s Law 4th edition

  • Person:
    The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. -26 USC 7701

  • Nation:
    “An Independent body politic; a society of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. But every combination of men who govern themselves independently of all others will not be considered a nation. A body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation, another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common, thus becoming a moral person, who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights.” -Vattel, Prelim. Ill, 2; 5 Pet. (U. S.) 52. See 1 Idaho (N. S.) 612.

  • Amnesty:
    Amnesty is the abolition and forgetfulness of the offense. -Black's Law 4th Edition

  • Coalition:
    a temporary alliance of distinct parties, persons, or states for joint action. -Merriam-Webster's dictionary

  • Corpus Juris Secundum:
    Corpus juris is Latin for “body of law.” It may also be the title of a large, encyclopedic collection of laws, comprising an entire body of law. -Cornell Law School Online [“secundum” means “second.” So it means, literally, “second body of law” -Brandon Joe Williams]

  • Contract:
    An agreement, upon sufficient consideration, to do or not to do a particular thing. -Black’s Law 4th Edition

  • Consideration:

    1. Consideration is not to be confounded with motive. Consideration means something which is of value in the eye of the law, moving from the plaintiff, either of benefit to the plaintiff or of detriment to the defendant. -Black’s Law 4th Edition

    2. Nothing is consideration that is not regarded as such by both parties. Schlecht v. Schlecht, 168 Minn. 168, 209 N.W. 883, 887

  • Franchise:

    A special privilege conferred by government on individual or corporation, and which does not belong to citizens of country generally of common right. Elliott v. City of Eugene, 135 Or. 108, 294 P. 358, 360. In England it is defined to be a royal privilege in the hands of a subject -Black’s Law 4th Edition (notice something interesting about this definition: in STATE OF CALIFORNIA, people pay their State taxes to the “Franchise Tax Board.” They are literally telling you right there that your name in all caps is a FRANCHISE!)

Questions and Answers:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are struggling with or are new to this information and would like a video presentation that slowly and carefully builds up huge chunks of what is mentioned on this page (then you can come back here and it will make much more sense), click here to see a show I did with Mark Yegge on the Wealth Architect Podcast:

1. Are you “licensed?”

“Licenses” do not exist. I’ll explain in detail…

For the purposes of the following information, “BAR Card,” “lawyer,” and “attorney-at-law” all mean the same thing.

Also the terms “ens legis,” “business,” “sole proprietorship” and “franchise” pretty much mean the same thing as well. Shockingly, even the term “US citizen” pretty much means the same as words like “business” and “franchise.”

If you hire a BAR Card, you are a “client.” A client, by definition from Corpus Juris Secundum, is defined as: “one who applies to a lawyer. Clients are also called ‘wards of the court.’”

“Wards of court” are defined as “infants and persons of unsound mind.”

When you become a “ward of the court,” you become, essentially, PROPERTY of the court. A BAR Card is essentially an administrator of the court’s property. This is because an attorney-at-law is an “officer of the court.” The client is not the top priority to an attorney-at-law… the top priority is the wishes of the court.

A BAR Card lawyer “represents” you, which means they stand on your behalf because you are incapable of doing so. You are incapable of making decisions for yourself (which is why you also waive your rights and cannot claim your rights when you take on a BAR Card as a “client.”)

A BAR Card lawyer is called an “attorney-at-law.” A non-BAR attorney is called an “attorney-in-fact.” Look these terms up for yourself online.

The term “lawyer” typically refers only to an attorney-at-law, so we try to be specific and only use the term “attorney” or “attorney-in-fact.”

For additional context on the purpose of an “attorney,” the definition of “attorn” from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition is critical:

1. To recognize or bring about a transfer, especially of property
2. To transfer (something) to another
3. To turn, or transfer homage [allegiance] and service, from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassals, or tenants, upon the alienation of the estate

An “attorney-in-fact” is a non-BAR attorney that acts as your “agent.” Everyone has the infinite ability to contract and an attorney-in-fact is a contract-based attorney that has the ability to do specific things on behalf of another party, as though they essentially ARE that person. Essentially, it is simply a better option than being a “client” because the Power of Attorney that is written between you and your AGENT, lays out all the particular rules of the relationship and allows you to reserve all your rights.

An attorney-in-fact can be used for a son or daughter to take over a dying mother’s estate, it can be used for convenience… for example working on behalf of a busy celebrity, etc. There are many uses but many people give away power of attorney without completely knowing all the power that is contained in that activity (for example, you give power of attorney to the DMV and they become your attorney-in-fact without you totally realizing it). You should be careful of what you sign to make sure you don’t do this.

You can type “attorney-in-fact” into the internet and find plenty of information. You will also find that you do not need any special qualifications or “licenses” to be one.

If you are a child or you are legally retarded (meaning you cannot handle your own affairs on a day-by-day basis), you hire an attorney-at-law and become a client. If you are coherent and an adult, you hire an attorney-in-fact or “agent.”

As an attorney-in-fact, our job is to essentially assist you in PRESENTING (not re-presenting) yourself. By operating in this manner, you become exponentially more powerful as both a plaintiff or a defendant.

It’s important to keep in mind the definition of “represent” is:

  1. To appear in the character of; personate; to exhibit; to expose before the eyes. To represent a thing is to produce it publicly. Dig. 10, 4, 2, 3; In re Matthews, 57 Idaho, 75, 62 P.2d 578, 580, 111 A.L.R. 13.

  2. To represent a person is to stand in his place; to supply his place; to act as his substitute. Plummer v. Brown, 64 Cal. 429, 1 P. 703; Seibert v. Dunn, 216 N.Y. 237, 110 N.E. 447, 449.

The definitions, themselves, indicate there are two parties. So a person cannot “represent themselves.” That is a hilarious oxymoron, just like the hit piece term “sovereign citizen.” You can only PRESENT yourself… unless, of course, they are using specialized definitions of “you” and “yourself” when you are asked if “you are representing yourself.”

Since you have your own personal US citizen called a sole proprietorship, typically the way I like to do things is that you represent the sole proprietorship in court. This is the cleanest and most legally-pure way to operate within the confines of everything because a “man” of the “Union” would not be a “person” or an “individual” … so how can they sue or be sued? That makes no sense. So by representing your US citizen in court, this makes the most sense. You HAVE a US citizen, you aren’t one yourself unless you’re a business located in Washington, DC.

Black's Law 4th Edition does a great job of delineating the differences between an attorney-at-law and an attorney-in-fact: “-Public attorney. A name sometimes given to an attorney at law, as distinguished from a private attorney, or attorney in fact.

“Public” could be defined as “anything in the court or interfaced with the court directly where a person would be REpresented within the confines of an official court proceeding. This would include hearings, docket items, an appearance, etc.” Whereas “private” would be defined as “anything involving an individual’s life outside of official court proceedings. This would include even things like discovery or a meet and confer, as long as they are not interfaced directly into the court beyond a declaration that the events took place.”

Each and every corporate “State” has a “Power of Attorney Act” that clarifies and defines the usage of contracts to create “attorneys-in-fact.”

A Power of Attorney is, essentially, a contract which allows a “person” (which can include corporations, types of trusts, etc) to allow another “person” to operate on their behalf for various reasons that are specified in the Power of Attorney.

Even the American Bar Association (shockingly) has an excellent article on the subject of attorneys-in-fact at:

I refer to myself as an attorney-in-fact to keep it specific, but the two designations explained above are VERY different and VERY important. Not all legal relationships are the same and you should be very careful to only work with non-BAR professionals. BAR cards are not “licenses,” they are simply membership cards into a private membership association called the BAR. A “license,” by definition, means: permission to do something that would otherwise be considered not allowable. If you ask an attorney-at-law for his “license,” he will promptly present to you his private BAR membership card. They typically don’t have a clue.

A Power of Attorney, especially a limited one, protects your rights and allows you to have a higher chance of success in the court system. You explicitly state in the Power of Attorney that you are reserving all of your rights (which we help you do). The clearer and more transparent the contract becomes, the less chance there is of a degradation of your rights or standing can be assumed (only that of which is uncommunicated can be assumed).


Schware v. Board of Bar Examiners of NM, 353 US 232 (U.S. Supreme Court - 1957):

A State cannot exclude a person from the practice of law or from any other occupation in a manner or for reasons that contravene the Due Process or Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Dent v. West Virginia, 129 U. S. 114. Cf. Slochower v. Board of Education, 350 U. S. 551; Wieman v. Updegraff, 344 U. S. 183. And see Ex parte Secombe, 19 How. 9, 13.

We need not enter into a discussion whether the practice of law is a "right" or "privilege." Regardless of how the State's grant of permission to engage in this occupation is characterized, it is sufficient to say that a person cannot be prevented from practicing except for valid reasons. Certainly the practice of law is not a matter of the State's grace. Ex parte Garland, 4 Wall. 333, 379.

BUTCHERS' UNION CO. v. Crescent City Co., 111 US 746 (U.S. Supreme Court - 1884):

I cannot believe that what is termed in the Declaration of Independence a God-given and an inalienable right can be thus ruthlessly taken from the citizen, or that there can be any abridgment of that right except by regulations alike affecting all persons of the same age, sex, and condition. It cannot be that a State may limit to a specified number of its people the right to practise law, the right to practise medicine, the right to preach the gospel, the right to till the soil, or to pursue particular business or trades, and thus parcel out to different parties the various vocations and callings of life.

2. Are you a member of the BAR?

Absolutely not, nor will I ever be. All the above information in point #1 applies the same to this question. The BAR is a private club that sets the legal standard for PUBLIC activities as regards to the court. Everyone assumes that the BAR issues “licenses,” when it most definitely does not. Admission into the BAR is the exact same structure as admission into the tax code: COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY AND UNNECESSARY. It is entirely optional and based off VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE.

It’s a private club. Plain and simple.

The only use of a BAR membership is to represent infants and the mentally/emotionally/physically disabled. None of which I do or want to do.

3. Are you “practicing” in State of California?

An example of the term “practicing” that does a good job of showing you the basic flavor is in 8 CFR 1.2 as: “Practice means the act or acts of any person appearing in any case, either in person or through the preparation or filing of any brief or other document, paper, application, or petition on behalf of another person or client before or with DHS.”

The word “practicing” is a technical term that could be simplified to mean “operating within the formal court proceedings, such as hearings, etc, not as a witness but as a direct representative of a plaintiff or defendant.” To “appear” in a case specifically refers to as a plaintiff or defendant (or on behalf of one). So, if I entered into a case as, let’s say a witness, it wouldn’t technically be an “appearance.”

So no, in a nutshell, I am never “practicing” and that term could not possibly be used to describe any aspect of my work. I have never “practiced law” in my life, as that would require me to attempt to make an appearance on behalf of someone else besides my sole proprietorship (BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS®), of which I have never attempted to do.

Now, above and beyond that, there are two different versions of California: there is the original “de jure” (meaning original and lawful) state (1849 Constitution) and there is the “de facto” (meaning appearing to be real and existing but being fake or illegitimate as presented) State (1879 Constitution). The 1879 version is simply a business or “public corporation” that operates on behalf of the District of Columbia as a Federal enclave. It was born after the 14th Amendment, just like all the devilish offspring of that horrific amendment. Its abilities and functionalities were expanded and solidified by the Buck Act.

Google gives an excellent description of the Buck Act: The Buck Act, formally titled "An Act to permit the states to extend their sales, use, and income taxes to persons residing or carrying on business, or to transactions occurring, in federal areas, and for other purposes," is a federal law that allows states to impose their taxes on individuals and transactions within federal areas, including federal enclaves.

I went down to the local library to get a copy of the 1849 Constitution because I couldn’t find it online. Have a look if you would like:

You can view the Dun and Bradstreet Business Directory listing, proving that it’s just a business, for State of California here:

So the simplicity of the matter is this: myself as the “man” of the “Union” domiciles in the actual state, whereas the sole proprietorship called BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS® is a resident of the business called State of California. The California Business and Professions Code operates in the business zone, not in the actual state.

So that’s a long way of saying simply: no I do not “practice” anywhere and I also am not a resident of, nor operating in, nor have anything to do with State of California, directly.

4. Are you an officer of the court?

Absolutely not, nor will I ever be. I am a foreign friend of the court. Only BAR members are officers of the court. BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE WELL-BEING OF THE COURT OR THAT THE COURT IS MY ENEMY.

5. How is it legal for you to give legal advice?

I am not, nor have I EVER, been a US citizen and I have NEVER been a resident of State of California.


Every passport, license, or anything else I have ever gotten was unknowingly as the agent for BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS®. Once I found out and became fully cognizant of that, I simply got rid of all those contracts due to the fact that I did not want there to be any confusion of possible fraudulent activity on my part. The passport I have now is just as the agent on behalf of my US citizen named BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS®.

The various Codes that operate in State of California, such as the Business and Professions Code, only operate on those sole proprietorships and businesses who are residents of the business called State of California. It’s not BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS® that actually gives the advice, so this activity of this law group has nothing to do with the Business and Professions Code.

I am an unincorporated “man” of the “Union,” as quoted from the Honorable Mr. Justice MILLER, as he spoke on the difference between state citizenship and Federal US citizenship in the Supreme Court case: The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 (1873). I never needed the citizenship offered in the 14th Amendment (“US citizen”) and I never needed the “privileges and immunities” offered by being a resident of State of California. I am not a released slave from the civil war and I am not a business.

I would never trade my rights as a man of the Union to have the “privileges and immunities” associated with US citizenship. That is basically the crux of literally everything I do online (meaning: help people understand that they are unknowingly doing that).

The 9th Amendment, for example, applies for “men” of the “Union,” but does not apply to US citizens. So my ability to exercise my 9th Amendment makes me essentially invulnerable in a court of law (barring actual damages).

If there is ever a complaint or bill of exchange/draft issued to my sole proprietorship for “practicing law illegally,” I would simply do a qualified/special indorsement on the bill and tender it back to perform on the instrument. Then I would immediately spring into action to counterclaim or litigate to effectively attack the source of such a ridiculous accusation. I would charge that accuser with a trademark violation for manufacturing a negotiable instrument using my registered trademark, without permission. (I don’t administer assets of the court and I don’t operate in the public on behalf of clients, so this entire “charge” would be absolutely asinine).

Secondly, I operate through the infinite and free capacity of contracts. Taking a look at 15 USC 1 shows that no one (including the government) may meddle in contractual agreements.

Article 1, section 10 of the Constitution states (taking out a lot of the words of the quote because it’s a lot to look at and clear up. Look it up if you want the whole text):

“No State shall … pass any … Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts …”

That’s pretty clear.

Through the contractual agreement of a Power of Attorney, I'm able to legally contract with anyone I want and in any way I want. As I mentioned before, this is called an “attorney-in-fact.” I have additional protections as well because my Power of Attorney contracts are actually international contracts, not domestic ones. So there really isn’t any way to easily sue when it comes to international contracts due to the fact that The Nation of The Amnesty Coalition does not yet have its own judicial system (which is exactly why it can only offer nationality, not citizenship).

You also have the VERY clear aspect of 42 USC 1981:

(a)Statement of equal rights
All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.

(b)“Make and enforce contracts” defined
For purposes of this section, the term “make and enforce contracts” includes the making, performance, modification, and termination of contracts, and the enjoyment of all benefits, privileges, terms, and conditions of the contractual relationship.

(c)Protection against impairment
The rights protected by this section are protected against impairment by nongovernmental discrimination and impairment under color of State law.


I am a foreign diplomat (ambassador-at-large) of my own nation called The Amnesty Coalition.

I am the king of a foreign government, as it is defined in 18 USC 1116(b)(2) and 18 USC 11.

Any attempt to attack my right to practice as an attorney-in-fact will be met with a charge of international terrorism as well as intimidation of a diplomat on diplomatic mission. International terrorism would be covered under 18 USC 2331(1)(C). Intimidation of a foreign official would be covered under 18 USC 112.

Many “States” even have special protections, in their Power of Attorney Act, that I can use to press charges for any difficulties that I run into involving getting my fiduciary duties completed.

6. What states/States do you work in?

This is a bit of a complex question because we first need to explore: what is a state/State?

For example, almost no one realizes that the definition of the term “United States” is the following:

The District of Columbia and its territories/Territories (lowercase “t” if they are not incorporated and upper case “T” if they are incorporated) and possessions. This would be all the following states/States: District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, and Wake Island. It could also possibly include: Bajo Nuevo Bank and Serranilla Bank (these are disputed territories). The 50 “states” of the main land mass of what people normally think of when they think of the “United States” are not a part of the typical legal definition of “United States” because they are not under the “exclusive jurisdiction of the national government.” This is made crystal clear in Caha v. U.S., 152 U.S. 211 (U.S. Supreme Court - 1894). Each and every one of the above listed states/States are “attached to the seat of government” and, thus, are “exercised in the District of Columbia” in accordance with 4 USC 72. The “United States” is “located in the District of Columbia” in accordance with 4 USC 71 and UCC 9-307(h). The various U.S. territories/Territories and insular possessions are not sovereign aspects creating a large map sector, like what you think of when you think of the 50 states of the Union… they are POSSESSIONS sort of like how you would think of your car or something. So that’s why the “United States,” when explicitly described in 4 USC 71 and UCC 9-307(h) is only and exclusively described as being within the territorial boundaries of the District of Columbia. The “possessions” are not thought of as part of the actual land mass known as the “United States. The territories and possessions are held by the corporation described in 28 USC 3002(15)(A), which is called “United States.”

So if you say “United States,” technically, I’ve NEVER BEEN THERE. I’ve never visited the United States, I’ve never traveled through the United States, I’ve never even had a connecting flight in any area that would be classified as a part of the United States.

Don’t believe me? Look at Title 48 of the United States Code, entitled “TERRITORIES AND INSULAR POSSESSIONS.” The 50 sovereign states of the Union, such as California, are nowhere to be found! All of the sections about Hawaii and Alaska are also all “omitted” or “repealed.” It appears as though they were both territories of the corporation called “United States” prior to their becoming sovereign states of the Union.

I’ve domiciled in the following states of the Union in my life: Indiana, Illinois, Florida, New York and California. This does NOT include the incorporated Federal enclaves of: State of Indiana, State of Illinois, State of Florida, State of New York, or State of California.

I have attempted to file a FOIA request to find the exact coordinates of the juristic person called “United States,” which then was appealed straight to the mayor’s office of the District of Columbia. They essentially told me, straight up, that they refuse to answer the question. You can see a PDF version of their final response (which also contains my inquiries) here (you are more than welcome to use this document as evidence in any cases you are working on or building):

I know a lot of what I am typing here may not make sense, but if you begin to Google search things like “definition of United States in the United States Code” or “definition of ‘continental United States’ in the United States Code,” etc, you will begin to see that the definitions are VERY strange. It took me years to figure all this out so I get it if you’re super confused (I was too for a long time)!

I can work in any state of the Union and my sole proprietorship can work in any State which is attached to the seat of our national government. It’s that simple. My sole prop just can’t make an appearance on behalf of a defendant or plaintiff… that would be bad and the sole prop, as a person, could get in trouble for “practicing law without a BAR membership” at that point.

7. Do you have experience in actual litigation?

Please view our Current and Previous Litigation page for more information on all the cases we are currently working as well as all previous cases. Upcoming cases are typically not talked about until filed and stamped by the court. By the time the case is ready to be served is when I post it on this website.

8. If there are more “lockdowns” or other instances of gross government overreach in a felony-attempt to violate open commerce, will you assist in those situations?

I would be honored to. Each individual felony violation of 15 USC 1 is up to a $100,000,000 penalty. I’ll be very happy to take billions from the State. This will also be countless felony violations of 42 USC 1983/42 USC 1985/42 USC 1986. This will be like winning the Power Ball Lottery.

9. Are you supporters of law enforcement?

YES! Enthusiastically. The problem of law enforcement is a very simple problem of a lack of clear and precise definitions. There are plans in the works to take some of the donations given to us and build out really amazing (and funny!) free educational material for law enforcement. Law enforcement wants to have law and order, and for that we salute them.

The basic purpose of the Sheriff’s Office is “to keep the private populace calm, orderly, free of terror, etc. To improve the overall relations in the society by preventing and snubbing those who harm and annoy others and to pave the way and assist those who improve the society by their actions. To exercise the superior jurisdictional authority in an effort to keep the society productive, growing and cohesive.”

The basic purpose of the police is: “To grease and improve the lines and flow of commercial activity by assisting and regulating commercial flow.”

The basic purpose of the courts is: “to take the information collected for them and presented to the court to locate the truth and publish it. This would include the elimination of the sources of lies.”

These basic purposes are simply missing basic definitions (and their COMMERCIAL implications) such as:

  1. Motor vehicle

  2. Traffic

  3. Commerce

  4. Corporation

  5. Driver

The list goes on and on.

Anyone complaining about law enforcement should, in the same breath, be willing to produce the necessary educational material to assist all law enforcement in doing a better job.

Law enforcement wants to feel that they are doing something of value for the society by providing a structure. This is entirely possible by a simple adjustment in definitions - no different than adjusting an engine to make sure it runs right.

Law enforcement was never supposed to REPLACE our desire and ability to defend ourselves. Law enforcement was never supposed to be the sole source of FORCE in the society. It was supposed to be a supplementary arm of the society that assists us in having a group of overwhelming force to suppress and eliminate elements of the society that are deemed as dangerous or parasitic to the society as a group.

Law enforcement is an important and appreciated aspect of society. Thank you for your service.

10. Are you political or a supporter of politics?

Absolutely not. Politics is often weaponized in today’s world and needs a major cleanup. Politics often comes down to creating contention in the society in order to control the society. We do NOT support the current political climate in America and we believe it needs a major cleanup. We are not supporters of either “side” of the political equation, regardless of what it may seem, and we do not donate or vote for either “party.” Both parties lie and do not take the time to educate you on the most basic of aspects such as:

  1. How the “United States” is a corporation located in the District of Columbia

  2. How you can file another kind of passport regaining all your rights as an American

  3. How the tax system and the BAR are both entirely voluntary and optional

  4. Basic knowledge of securities and the monetary system of America

  5. How you think you have a “motor vehicle,” while that actually means you are in a commercial activity


We believe that any “political” entity that is not talking about and sharing the above information, for the benefit of mankind, is not a friend of mankind and has particular and specific motives… often uncommunicated. ALL OF THOSE MOTIVES STEM FROM A SCARCITY MINDSET AND WE DO NOT SUPPORT OR CONDONE SUCH BEHAVIOR.

We are entirely at peace in relation to 18 USC 11, but we will not and cannot ignore or sugar-coat the dangers that our current political scene openly displays to us. We are at peace, but we also do not kiss snakes.

11. Are you “anti-government” or some kind of anarchists? Do you believe that the corporation called “United States” should be eliminated?

Not necessarily. The Federal corporation has a lot of actually really wonderful information and codification. In the terms of the commercial world, the structure they have created is quite overcomplicated, but I actually really appreciate the corporation’s efforts towards the codification of commercial activity.

Very simple adjustments can be done to shift the actions of the Federal corporation into something actually quite functional:

  1. The natural elimination of the 14th Amendment (more information about this subject is written in a lower point of this page, down below)

  2. The DMV being transparent about the fact that a “motor vehicle” is a commercial activity and that “registration” is the “Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Program” of 34 USC 12611. THE PROGRAM IS VERY CLEAR THAT PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THIS PROGRAM IS VOLUNTARY AND WAIVES ALL THEIR RIGHTS.

  3. Federal Reserve Notes are securities and fall under the same laws of all other securities.

Etc, etc, etc.

THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT IS NOT FUCKED. But there are a few specific points that, if adjusted, would handle a vast majority of the problems we see in this country.

We are NOT anti-government. We are “let’s make adjustments to the government to make it more beneficial to us all as a country. Let’s clarify the jobs of the government and make sure that the government is something that we would LIKE to have and that WE ARE PROUD to have.”

You don’t have people running around complaining about the Fire Department. WE MAKE CALENDERS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HALF-NAKED. WE PRACTICALLY WORSHIP THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Because they simply do their job and they are valuable to the society at large.

We simply need to clean up the other areas of government in order to put the other areas into that same condition.

(Imagine the day we do half-naked calendars of our politicians!)


There is nothing “anti-government” about that and we are not hostile to the government at-large.

“The government” and “politics” are two very different things. We are not “anti-government” but we are, ultimately, “anti-politics.” The reason is because politics is pretty bad and needs a MAJOR overhaul.

“Politics” could be defined as “emotional warfare that is made to look like it is government, falsely.”

Real government is the ACTUAL texts and ACTUAL inner-workings of the system. Politics is the FALSE REALITY made and broadcasted that does not mirror the ACTUAL operations of the system.

The government does not need a MONSTEROUS overhaul, in our opinion. A few solid tweaks and we will have a pretty solid commercial system.

12. Why don’t you use a title of nobility, such as “esquire,” like many lawyers do?

The term “esquire” was explicitly prohibited by the 13th Amendment. The use of the title of “esquire,” is an antagonistic jab that lawyers that operate in the foreign corporate Federal zone (District of Columbia) use against the unincorporated independent nation states of the United States of America.

The term “esquire” harkens back to our original desire to disconnect from England. It is viewed, erroneously, as a term of honor… but in actuality it is a term of combat. An “esquire” is an agent of the Crown. To be honest, we do not look at that idea as something necessarily negative at this point in time, but we simply do not use the term based out of a respect and adherence to the Constitution.

After the 14th amendment created the secondary citizenship type: Federal citizen (US citizen), it allowed the foreign lawyers to use the title “esquire” in the new incorporated zone.

Using titles of nobility in the unincorporated 50 original states is illegal and thus not something we will involve ourselves in. “Esquire” is a mark of an officer of the court.

13. Are you involved in various societal campaigns such as Black Lives Matter or climate change organizations, etc.

No. The concern of the Nation of The Amnesty Coalition is the basic education of words, terms and phrases. Our group and goals are ultimately an aspect of “social justice” in their own right. We feel that almost all groups, both on the “right” as well as the “left,” have way too many unspoken political prejudices.

Many of these groups breed hate and, regardless of the intent of the group itself, there is the apparent product of the group. Those products are visible and we will not permit those products to be excused away. We are not interested in banging on any particular “drum” or yelling and screaming for any particular “cause.” Even our desire to eliminate the 14th Amendment will be achieved through calm, fun education… not yelling, screaming and upset.

We simply want to be the greatest source of educational material available on the planet involving the subject of the definitions of words, terms and phrases. We will not be involving ourselves in various groups.

We are open allies of the micronation called Slowjamastan and the sultan’s application of 18 USC 11 is quite impressive in our eyes. We do promote the activities of Slowjamastan and Brandon Joe Williams is an Ambassador of Slowjamastan. You can view more information about the micronation of Slowjamastan at You can see pictures of myself with the Sultan and Chief Boarder Patrol in Slowjamastan down farther on this page.

We do not support any violent, angry or antagonistic groups, regardless of what they say they stand for. Even the antagonism found on is all in good fun and is simply a style of engagement and branding. The PRODUCT of my faux antagonism is added fun and camaraderie in the group itself, not hate and anger. Our message is one of true peace and solidarity, not one of divisiveness and bloodshed.

To view more information about The Nation of The Amnesty Coalition, which is our foreign government arm of all my research, please visit

14. Are you intending on creating an industry of people who are pro se litigants?

Oh yes, definitely. We intend on helping every single man or woman in the United States of America to operate pro se in the court systems. This is the true peaceful revolution that many have looked for and few have found. We will have a standing army of people who are excited to help the court systems enforce true law and order in our countries.

As a child you looked at the police, fire dept and other aspects of government through glory-washed eyes. You saw a superhero. You saw someone through the eyes of ideals that only the innocence of a child can muster.

Well, our desire to be superheroes has arrived. And we’re going to get rich in the process. Life really doesn’t get any better than this!

Even the BAR Cards and going to love this one. We’re the best marketing program they have ever seen because everyone that we are suing is going to run to them and this marketing doesn’t even cost them anything. So as much as we like to joke and jab at the BAR Cards, they love us.

There will be an entire free course that will be made and released on how to operate pro se. We will have that done as soon as possible and it will change the world. That course will be required learning for all pro se clients.

15. Why do some people complain over your use of “pro se” rather than terms like “sui juris”?

Because they do not know what persons are in play, they have a defense-centric mindset and because they either don’t litigate or have serious previous issues litigating. My platform is a strictly offense-centric mindset.

Our job is to navigate the complexities of litigation without creating too much of a tumultuous ride for ourselves. We are also VERY aggressive to be in the offensive position. We always want to sue first or counterclaim as rapidly and as aggressively as possible. Moving from the defensive position to the attacking position is always the number one concern for us at all times.

When you hear of people speaking about “how to get a case dismissed,” you need to realize that they are saying “I don’t have a clue” at the same time. Dismissal is the LAST thing you want. What you should be wanting and looking for is how to sink your teeth into them in the fastest and most effective way possible. You want your teeth clamped down on their flesh with such velocity that they wouldn’t be able to dismiss the case for all the money in the world.

When you sue first or rapidly counterclaim with strong causes of action, you place them on their backfoot. They should pay for having accosted you and from wasting your time. They should also pay for all the lies and fraud that all financial organizations have perpetrated on you and your loved ones.

This isn’t about revenge, this is about justice. This obsession to have cases “dismissed,” allows the bullies to continue their reign of terror unchecked. This is entirely unacceptable and we STRONGLY disagree with the idea of EVER dismissing a case. We would rather sue them before they can sue us, or counterclaim as rapidly and as aggressively as possible. This is the winning strategy! Walk away with a victory and also a ton of cash… never walk away empty handed!

16. Is it true that you are developing your own lexicon (vocabulary) for BAR Cards?

Oh yes, and this is the peak excitement in my life! The following terms are a part of our exciting new lexicon! I truly hope to see more and more usage of these terms in court cases used around both the united states of America and the United States! (please feel free to take and use these as much and as often as you want). I will add more here as we develop more terms.

Irrelevant billables - This term is in honor of how BAR Cards always produce so much irrelevant trash to file into the docket in an effort to bill their client their hourly fees. They will come up with all manner of worthless crap to file in to the case. They start talking about wild generalizations, crazy assumptions, ridicule, or anything else their creative billable-centric minds can come up with. Like starving animals… they become VERY resourceful!

The BAR Card Shuffle - This term is pretty similar to the above term and describes the wild writhing that a BAR Card does in an effort to try to deflect or upset the opposing counsel when they realize they have absolutely no clue about any real actual aspect of law and they have suddenly been jarred awake by a pro se litigant that is about to make them look like a real infant or person of unsound mind.

Hearsay for Hire - Means that most BAR Cards will say almost anything for a bit of cash.

17. Is Brandon or anyone else a CPA as well as attorney-in-fact?

Yes, Brandon is a CPA. But keep in mind that “CPA” typically means “Certified Public Accountant.” The word “Public” in that context means “government employee.” So I am a CPA but I am a Certified PRIVATE Accountant.

18. Why are you so upset about and stark opponents of the 14th Amendment?

The 14th Amendment was not, at its time, a racist and horrible idea. The government was trying to sort out the massive upset between the North and South as to how the “Negroes” (their words, not mine) were to be released from slavery. The “middle ground” that was made to shake hands on this situation was the creation of the “Federal citizen” or “US citizen” category. The South didn’t want the released slaves to have the same rights as the rest of the “state citizens” in any of the several states of the union.

Everyone in the mid-to-late 1860s and early 1870s was simply trying to end the civil war. They were probably exhausted - beaten down by all the chaos and willing to accept anything offered to them. What was agreed upon was to create an entirely new category of “citizenship” called the “Federal US citizen” specifically for the blacks to be released into (so they wouldn’t have the full rights available to a “state citizen.”)

(The “Federal US citizen” category is very simple: they became employees of the Federal government. The Social Security number is the “identification number” of a “Federal US citizen.” Think of it like a “badge number” for government employees. If you look up images of the original Social Security cards, they literally said “employee” on them!)

The Supreme Court cases that finally interpreted the 14th Amendment to clarify this entire situation was the “Slaughterhouse Cases” of 1873.

Even just by Googling the “Slaughterhouse Cases,” we get a clear and transparent synopsis of what was being discussed from even Wikipedia (not a great source but shows you that this is not a “conspiracy theory” or anything wild-eyed):

“The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36, was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision which ruled that the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution only protects the legal rights that are associated with Federal U.S. citizenship, not those that pertain to state citizenship.”

You can see clear as day from the above quote that there is two different types of citizenship: the “Federal U.S. citizenship” and “state citizenship.”

“Federal US citizenship” is expressed by saying “I am a US citizen,” whereas state citizenship is expressed by saying “I am a Californian.” Just to give an example. This system is still entirely in play in today’s world (it’s just no one knows it!).

The reason why black men are the driving force behind the entire “US national” or “state national” movement is because they have been fighting for their rights as a state citizen since even the mid-1800s. Ultimately, this is their battle. It’s all our battle now that the whole country has been engulfed by this evil, but we are experiencing, ultimately, a multi-hundred year attempt for the black man/woman to be free of real slavery. We have all been unknowingly sucked into this nightmare and we truly are living in a racist shitshow (factually. This is not a “political” comment.”)

I personally believe that the reason why the black race commits a disproportionate amount of the crimes in society is due to a deep and foreboding knowledge of the fact that they have been screwed by society for ages. Their behavior is an unknowing rebellion against a real injustice. This does not excuse victim-centric mentality and I am not “siding with the Liberals” in an effort to make the black race a victim of their environment. I am simply stating that we are looking into the heart and soul of TRUE “systemic racism” when we are looking at the 14th Amendment.

To many, the 14th Amendment may appear as though it is pure evil. It may have come from a place of good intent when it was fake-ratified (was never legally ratified, see the below Congressional Record pictures for proof), but now it is completely outdated and is pure evil in the society.

“Right” or “Left” is entirely irrelevant when it comes to the idea of slavery. Yes, a very small percentage of the “Right” are highly racist and believe possibly in slavery. Those individuals are not being included in this writing or conversation and, as far as this law firm is concerned, that specific demographic does not deserve to have a say in this manner. The 1st Amendment ends where harm to others begins and everyone deserves the full rights of being a man or woman and everyone deserves to be considered innocent until proven guilty (your rights are stripped from you by the society when you behave in a way that shows that you harm the rights of others).

Black men and women have been seeking freedom and equal rights for a long time. What has prevented that from occurring is the 14th Amendment.

Due to the extreme evil unknowingly inherent in the 14th Amendment, it is as if the ground opened up and yawned all manner of complications we see in the world today. All of the following aspects of our society were born out of this false “Federal US citizen” category: DMV, CIA, FBI, ATF, CDC (most “three-letter agencies”), driver’s licenses, licenses of almost any kind (fishing, hunting, “firearms,” etc), the District of Columbia, the Federal Reserve Bank, the police, “traffic” laws such as speed limits, income tax, State tax, smog testing, etc. I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

Prior to the birth of the “Federal US citizen” category, the entire country was basically just the county recorder, the Sheriff’s office and unincorporated trade organizations (not registered or governed by the government.) This is the world of North America back when there was ONLY the “state citizen” category (they never called it that. It’s just what EVERYONE was - “We the People”).

The county recorder handled titles, deeds and ownership. There was no “County of Los Angeles” that held property rights, like what you see now. There was only a small filing fee and an expression of ownership or expression of release of ownership or interest (this is the definition of the word “deed” when it comes to property). The county recorder was nothing more than a giant ledger to track who expressed an interest in what. This was so the courts (unincorporated courts) could determine who had expressed a claim of ownership. It was a very simple system. There was only the Sheriff… no “police.”

Through this “Federal US citizen” category, an entirely new country was born called the “United States.” (the original country is called the “united states of America” and each individual state is a separate nation state. Exactly how you would think of Europe… where many various states, all of which are legally separate, operate together as a union in a “nation of nations” called the “European Union.”)

In the old united states of America, each individual state is a separate country. In the new, incorporated “United States,” all the States are all together in one country of which is a legal fiction (notice I used “state” for the original states and “States” for the incorporated versions. This is exactly how they write it in the United States Code!)

As you will see from the Congressional Record of 1967, available below, the 14th Amendment was never properly ratified by 2/3rds of the states required. This means it was never legally ratified.

Once this most serious falsity is corrected, our glorious country will heal overnight. We will no longer have fake fiat “money,” police pulling people over, racism in our legal system, etc. The true solution to racism in our country is to acknowledge the 14th Amendment as having NEVER BEEN PROPERLY RATIFIED, AS CONGRESS HAS ALREADY SAID CLEARLY. This entire country will experience a massive healing instantly and will produce the following incredible effects:

  1. All prisoners who have been convicted of victimless crimes, which are probably a disproportionate percentage of black men, will be released from prison and their records will be scrubbed entirely

  2. All “driver’s licenses” will be null and void. There will be no “registration,” DMV, smog checks, etc

  3. Income tax and the IRS will be entirely abolished INSTANTLY

  4. The CIA, FBI, ATF, police and other law enforcement agencies will all be liquidated. They can all be merged into the Sheriff’s office (they don’t all need to lose their jobs! It will be a huge shift)


  6. All freedoms involving “arms” will be returned to the people. Meaning ANY gun, ANY caliber, carried ANYWHERE YOU WANT as long as people are not being harmed. The “firearm” term was born out of the “Federal US citizen” category and “firearms” is not a term that exists on the “state citizen” side of the ledger

  7. All “business licenses,” “liquor licenses,” “barbershop licenses,” “medical licenses,” etc, etc, etc, etc will all cease to exist. This will be a renaissance of a true free market system. NOTE: ALL DRUGS WILL BE LEGAL TO SELL, GROW, POSSESS, ETC. (to allow the government to “regulate” these aspects of society opens the door for those “regulations” to spread, insidiously, to other areas.)

  8. CPS and any child-related aspects of the court system and government will vanish overnight

  9. The court systems will undergo massive change and will revert back the way they were back before maybe 1850… meaning they will operate on local rules, customs and concerns rather than by “Codes” which are often commercial in nature

  10. All the ORIGINAL state constitutions (which is probably not the version you have read) will become the basic skeletal structure for all legal proceedings in this country (of which should be studied and understood by children in school to ensure excellent social and commercial operation). For example, in California… the original constitution is from 1849. The constitution for the incorporated State was made in 1879. Those two constitutions are for two entirely different nations that happen to have very similar names!

  11. All corporate States will be instantly vanished off the face of the Earth, such as “STATE OF CALIFORNIA.” All that will remain will be the “state of California,” which is entirely unincorporated. All State tax, gas tax, cigarette tax, sales tax, etc, will all be abolished instantly

  12. The entire public school system will instantly vanish

  13. The entire Social Security system, including any number that you believe may have something to do with you (it doesn’t), is instantly wiped off the face of the Earth

The 14th Amendment needs to be scrubbed from the face of the Earth with the greatest of force. It needs to be labeled as the racist and unacceptable Amendment that it is. It is un-American, unhuman and unacceptable. This is the freedom that the black man/woman has been looking for for centuries and is the true “reparations” that we should be speaking about. To free the black man is to free all races and this should be looked upon as the most important political decision of our country.

This horrible racist Amendment has literally destroyed our entire country. It has enslaved our children. This is a perfect example of how hatred begets more hatred. This is not a situation that should be “up for debate.” There is no debating when it comes to hatred. We need to accept the fact that there has been a serious injustice that has occurred and that injustice has bled into every facet of society. It is an excellent example of how hatred spreads, insidiously, to all other areas.


Below this text will be a couple of photos of Congressional Record, but is not the full communication from Congress. Here is a PDF of EVERYTHING they had to say about the subject:

Some photos of myself in Slowjamastan with the Sultan, Randy Williams, as well as the Chief Boarder Agent, Mark Corona: