The absurd examination of life

Humanity is an abundant and chaotic splash upon a canvas

Who is to say of what is chaos? Of what is beautiful?

To bleed is to understand. Is blood not simply the proof of our own enlightenment?

We pretend to know. We pretend to understand this life of which we consider so valuable.

Like ceramic toys, we shatter when faced with what we consider to be entirely too much to address.

We shatter like glass upon the floor. Glorious compressed sand falling at our feet... mirroring back our beauties and insecurities.

How can we know who we truly are? Is not life nothing more than a struggle of self-identity?

We think we know, then we realize we do not.

Only to be betrayed by the insignificance of it at all in our darkest hour.

Is knowing nothing more than deciding? Are we all attempting to know rather than decide?

Will we be lost forever or will we find ourselves?

A dancing candle in the dark, being assailed on all sides, is more beautiful than a smoldering candle that no one will ever hope to view.




Public Versus Private - 10/22/23