Love v. Obligation


The only word of which I balk when attempting to define.

The beauty of the word is found in it's boundlessness. How do you create boundries for a word that thrives in boundlessness?

The ultimate destruction of love is found in the injection of obligation.

Love could be defined by an unconditional appreciation. An acceptance of all aspects of something or someone as beauty. To understand and appreciate the fact that a person has decided to create a persona, and a full acceptance and enjoyment of that persona without suppression or qualification. It is the ultimate security. It is the ultimate freedom. It frees others because it makes it safe and ok to be themselves. It makes it safe and ok to place their manufactured persona on display with pride, no differently than a painting or sculpture. To love is to accept and to accept breeds art.

Obligation, on the other hand, is the assumption of a forced contract. It is the false idea that someone is stuck in performing on a contract they want nothing to do with. Obligation is expressed as "I need to do this, whether I like it or not."

Obligation is the secret destroyer of love. It is the thief. It is the assassin that poisons love in a cover of darkness and there is never a suspect.

Obligation puts on a fake mask and says it is there to bolster love... says it is a major aspect of love... while this is blasphemy in it's most deceiving form.

Obligation is the evil powder that transforms love into a prison sentance. Obligation is the ultimate perversion of God's will.

Obligation is an illusion. It has never existed and will never exist. The idea is manufactured to gain the willing participation of the prisoner.

Moreso than anything I teach, the shedding of obligation will give you incredible freedom. There is truly nothing in life of which your obligation lies.


“The Government”