Love Letter to Single Moms - 11/9/2022

As many of my "fans" who follow my content know, I have a deep love for single moms. I've taken the time to write a little bit about this in the past, but now I would like to write sort of a love letter describing what I like about them, why they are so amazing and even how men can better connect to them.

I hope all you moms out there that see this share it in all your mom's groups. All I ask is you keep my name and website at the bottom and I give permission for anyone to share this in any way they want, put it in their blogs, whatever. I want all you hot moms falling in just as much in love with me as I am with you.

Here are so of the reasons I love single moms and also this will be a sort of a manual to help men connect with single moms and also help single moms deal with all the retarded men they come in contact with having no clue what they are doing:

1. They are hardcore researchers.

Single moms could WRECK the FBI or CIA in a fraction of the time with their skills in research. These women have entire matrix networks with other women online either through Facebook groups or other means.

This means that they are highly analytical and have worked to actually develop that more "masculine" trait. But while developing this trait, they don't lose their femininity. They wind up having to fill the shoes for both parents and by doing so they RISE to the challenge.

You may find it intimidating that single moms have a very strong "masculine" side, but that's a completely incorrect view. It may appear that way, but you need to see it for what it really is: a person who has, by necessity, had to expand their gender role (at least temporarily) to do what is best for their child.

For men that have worked to expand their own gender role by being able to access and use feminine energy (such as things like empathy, intuition, warmth, etc), a woman who has expanded into her masculine is SEXY.

The greatest sex and intimacy in the world is only accessible by 2 people who can access and use both gender energies. I cover this in my book called Love is a Battery. In an alternating current circuit, energy is unlimited (flipping the gender rolls around or back and forth a little here and there). In Direct Current (stuck gender roles that never shift or play) you get nothing more than a boring interaction that may be exciting at first but then quickly becomes a "dull familiarity".

In terms of sheer passion and intimacy, single moms are your best bet if that is what you are looking for and you have an ability to tap into feminine energies.

Single moms always figure out the best shit and they don't get played easily. They are good at sniffing out scams, time-wasters, etc.

2. They don't have time for your bullshit.

They are taking care of their kid(s), while working, while cleaning... While while while... Etc. If you waste their time or fuck around with them, chances are they won't be shy telling you about it (or they just disappear).

They value their time so if they are spending it on you, realize that you don't need to "wonder" if she likes you... you would be out of her life REAL fast if that was the case.

If you're tired of bullshit games, hot moms are probably where you want to focus your energy.

3. Their "love muscles" are huge.

Single moms (well moms in general) have flexed their "love muscles" so much that they have a superior ability to love and care for other people. They tend to appreciate the world more, not complain, have gratitude for the world and not be materialistic. They are more grounded.

Because of this, it can scare off men with low self-esteem. The reason being is because the woman flows so much love and it triggers feelings of UNWORTHINESS in a man with low self-esteem. So the woman begins to think there is something wrong with her and she pulls back and hides from dating.

This is a shame on SO many levels.

You need to realize that if you are going to date a single mom, you need to be ready to receive the laser beam blast of which is her ability to love. Now often times that laser beam can also become anger if you do something that upsets her. You need to have good commnication with her as she will be willing to talk things out usually a lot better than other women but if she hits her breaking point, she will utterly obliterate you and eat your soul. This is simply due to the amount of emotional power she has developed from being a single mom.


4. Mom super powers

Beyond passion and intimacy, moms develop massively superior abilities that you cannot find anywhere else in society, such as: temperance, patience, harmony, de-escalation techniques, humor, enjoyment, awareness, and much more.

Moms, especially single moms, are essentially super heroes and I will explain why...

I don't think most men have stopped and really put themselves in the shoes of a women trying to raise a child, or children, on her own. The terrific amount of work and focus it takes, the extreme lack of sleep, the constantly worrying about someone else's needs rather than your own. It is a massive shift in perception where even simple things like a calm room or a glass of wine goes from something mundane to something magical. If I had to equate it to something that a man could more readily understand, it would be ACTIVE MILITARY DEPLOYMENT. There is a greater appreciation for life and the simple things afterwards. A difficult, yet rewarding journey.

5. Single moms aren't really very complex.

They are either:

A. Tired and overwhelmed (secret: wine and a bubble bath works wonders).

B. Wanting some male interaction and, frankly, a bit starved. This is honestly a great situation but you have to be chill and not be a dick. She's not going to play games and just wants to vibe and have a good time. She doesn't have a lot of time so just the fact that she wants to hang with you is a really strong sign that she likes you. Simple.

C. Focusing in on their kid(s) and not really dating. Frankly, this usually stems from trauma and frustration with men. If you want to connect with a girl who fits into this category, you're going to need to find out a little about her past and WHY she is feeling scared or reserved. But it can be fairly easy to jar a girl out of that, you just need to work on building comfort and rapport and chill on the sexual side for a minute.

D. Looking for a man to fill the "dad role." Now frankly, I have never met this kind of woman, I don't think. I'm sure they are out there but all the single moms I have met are more in the category of "I have surivived this hurricane alone up to this point, I don't necessarily NEED a man but would LIKE to have one. I'm not going to "settle" for someone unless I really like them and something of value can come from us being together."

6. Highly analytical.

Due to having to be the man and the woman, they develop a sharp sense of logic. If they were sort of dancing and floating through life prior to having a child, afterwards they develop laser-beam focus and generally incredible analyzing skills. This is also why you can't jerk them around and play games with them as easily as other girls... they SMELL it.

Just be more honest and straightforward with them. You can literally say something like “look i want to fuck you but literally have no clue how to initiate it.” They are not going to be embarrassed by whatever you are embarrassed by. You CAN be vulnerable with them without it being a bad thing.

Vulnerability and weakness are two very different things! Vulnerability is one specific area one time. Weakness is the same pathetic shit over and over again without eliciting help or being willing to fix it (or making excuses). Single moms like VULNERABILITY and hate WEAKNESS. As they should.

I hope that this post was helpful for women: to share with men and all their girlfriends, but also for men who may randomly find this. Share this with men not as a way of being mean! (They will never read it). Be gentle and share it as a way to help them. I hope this helps!

With much, much love (thank you for being amazing, hotties).


Letter to Parents - 1/10/2023


Police Officer: Lost And Destroyed - 9/27/2022