Slavery. A subject that that you don’t hear much of these days. Most people believe that it was abolished in the glorious United States of America back in the mid-to-late 1800s. But sadly that is not the case.

A financial institution in Texas called AgTexas Farm Credit “Services” is ENSLAVING hard-working Americans and helping to subvert one of our most beloved types of people: farmers.

My name is Brandon Joe Williams. I’m one of the attorneys working with Mr. Henrik Hauschildt and I would like to tell you a story.

I personally grew up in rural Indiana in a place called Hebron, Indiana. My father, Michael Young, is a long line of farmers and specializes in growing corn and soybeans. I grew up in a creepy old farmhouse at a young age when my mom first met Mike (he’s my step dad).

I have personal firsthand experience of the incredible brutality that can occur when big companies and finance companies interfere with, what I would consider, the work of God. Tilling the lands and feeding our families in America should be one of the most holy, celebrated and supported activities. Farming is not an “industry,” as these large corporations would make you believe… farming is a trust with God to take care of the lands and to feed the people in ethical and effective ways.

I was around during the Monsanto transition. I watched how genetically-modified crops were carefully moved into the farming community. I remember how the Monsanto Men, as I called them, sold all the “benefits” of genetically-modified crops. They, frankly, did a wonderful job. They promised much less work, a much simpler process, less headache and a larger yield. And the sad part is, most of what they sold was “right” - sort of.

Many difficulties disappeared on the farm and it did make life easier for the farmer. But, over many decades, we are just now starting to realize the damage and harm that this system has introduced. We now have a whole new set of problems and now they are even attempting to patent the new strains of food (some patents have even been successful!)

I grew up watching farmers work all day and all night, often times with the whole family helping. Feeding the animals, tilling the land and soaking up the rich sunlight. Farmers are not interested in small talk, they have a job to do and they work harder than any group I have ever seen in my life. They enjoy working and take pride in what they do.

I would like to introduce to you one of my clients, Henrik Hauschildt:

Please say hello to Henrik Hauschilt

Henrik came to the United States of America from Germany in 2017. He arrived in Stephenville, Texas. As of the date of this writing, he is 32 years old.

As humorous as it might sound, Henrik arrived in pursuit of the American Dream that he saw on TV and movies in his country: cowboy boots, big trucks and the pride and freedom that only the true soul of America could offer.

Henrik got married to his wife on the 6th of Decemeber, 2016… right before moving to America.

He has 3 beautiful children, which will be introduced more in-detail lower on this page. Nova (4 years old), Finn (2 years old) and Kira (1 year old).

Henrik grew up on a farm back in Germany and he is a 5th generation dairy farmer! He is also an agricultural engineer.

Henrik began working with AgTexas in around 2018 to fund aspects of his farm and to expand his operation.

Henrik was under the impression that he was being “loaned” “money” in an effort to help his farm to to expand his operations. He thought he was being helped and, years later, he found out that he was being betrayed and ENSLAVED.

When people think of the word “slavery,” they think of shackles and whips. But being coerced into a contract and having his farm “collateralized” in order to “perform” is a shackleless form of slavery.

I will explain the entire enslavement scam below, in detail, in the section where I speak about AgTexas.

Here is Kira, working on the farm at such a young age to help feed the cows. Such a beautiful young girl trying to help out around the family farm.

Here is Finn enjoying a ride in the tractor.

Here is Nova and Ricarda. They are performing in order accept their “payment” from AgTexas. Do you realize that they control every aspect of the “debtor”? They are not the “debtor,” they are the future of our human race. Slavery can look so simple and so “normal.”

Here is Kira. She is only 1 year old and is feeding the cows. Is this not the most precious thing you have ever seen?

Nova and Finn enjoying a partially cloudy day. We have so much to learn from the simplicity and love that only children can express.

Here is Nova, enjoying the sunset while spraying some water out of a hose.

Here is Kira spending her first birthday in court fighting against AgTexas.

Here is a special message from Ricarda, Henrik’s wife:

“Just to start with a little background. I started breeding cows back in Germany and developed a passion for cow genetics and the goal of developing a pretty nice herd of our own. With the red ones being my favorites.

So I was obviously pretty excited every time a new red calf was born. The calf below was especially special to me because she was born out of a black one. The picture is of her first time being fed with her maternal colostrum. Picture:[big red as calf] The next picture shows her all grown up. She got the name big red (because she’s tall and red 😅) picture:[big red]

Another special one is my Jersey cow. I told Henrik that I always wanted to have at least one Jersey, so he agreed that I can have one. I was super happy when she arrived and even happier when she got her first calf out of my breeding. That’s her with her daughter. Picture:[peanut with mom] And her daughter all grown up. She’s super curious like most jerseys but not a troublemaker like some. (Jerseys love to open gates and squeeze through fences etc.) I named her peanut. Picture:[peanut]

And last but not least there’s Trudy and Judy.

These two are the sweetest souls. They’re super calm although they’re still at the beginning of their dairy life. You can just walk up to them and pet and cuddle them they love their scratches. They’re both pregnant right now and I can’t wait to see how their calves turn out.”

Here is “Big Red” as a little calf

Here is Big Red all grown up!

Here is the lovely Judy!

Here is Peanut with her mommy

Here is Peanut all grown up!

Say hello to Trudy!

Let’s introduce the villain and scam of this story: AgTexas Farm Credit “Services”

AgTexas, just like most “lenders” in today’s world, have an elaborate system of “slight of hand” that ends up with the “debtor” being enslaved. I will attempt to explain this SCAM in the simplest terms possible. I also have a 10 minute video on my YouTube explaining this entire scam here:

What occurs is actually quite simple, but quite shocking to most people. Even people inside of the financial institution are unknowing of the entire process that occurs with all of this.

First off, the original “promissory note” is what is called a “negotiable instrument.” What that means is that the original promissory note has the same value, in law, as what’s in your wallet! “Federal Reserve Notes” are actually just a different type of promissory note!

A “promissory note” is defined as an “unconditional promise to pay.” A promissory note is actually a security, just like what you see traded on the stock market. I know that may be shocking to many of you.

There are various ways to “sign” promissory notes when they are brought into existence. When it comes to a financial instrument, it is actually what is called an “indorsement,” not a “signature.”

And what you (the reader of this) and everyone else is doing when you “sign” these documents is you are doing what is called a “blank indorsement.”

The way a “blank indorsement” works is that you are releasing that valuable security with no conditions. You are not “stating the payee,” which means you are not stating who the proceeds of that instrument are to be payable to (that allows the “lender” to do whatever they want with it. You essentially leave a bag of cash on the table and walk away.)

The financial institution takes these VALUABLE instruments and trades them with the Federal Reserve. So you need to understand that these promissory notes are HIGHLY VALUABLE.

When you “state the payee,” meaning when you state who those proceeds are supposed to go to, it is called a “special indorsement.”

You also have the usage of the financial statement called: “without recourse.” That terminology means “once you accept this instrument, I never need to perform on the obligation and you waive all legal ability to enforce the obligation.” Every time I have looked over mortgage documents from banks taking the original promissory note to the Federal Reserve Discount Window, they always use the terminology “without recourse” (which means they never need to pay back the Federal Reserve Notes they get!)

So, after Henrik released the instrument with a “blank indorsement,” then AgTexas put a “special indorsement” on the instrument to claim the instrument for themselves. Then they took that instrument to the Federal Reserve Discount Window and exchanged that note for Federal Reserve Notes. This is exactly how the “loan” was “funded.” They gave Henrik the Federal Reserve Notes that were returned from the Federal Reserve Discount Window. THEY GAVE HIM BACK HIS OWN CASH, AT INTEREST.

My client, Henrik Hauschildt, unknowingly funded his own enslavement. That is how clever the system is with AgTexas (and all “lending” institutions).

Then, AgTexas expects Henrik to pay back the “loan” that HE funded. They call themselves the “lender.” They never loaned my client a penny. They carefully made sure that my client released the original negotiable instrument with a blank indorsement so that they could have that instrument be swapped to fund the entire loan. AgTexas coerced my client into funding his own enslavement.

Then, AgTexas lied in the documentation stating that they have a “perfected” security interest. What “perfected” means is that they have registered the debt in a lien document called a UCC1 financing statement that allows the debt to be actionable and leveragable through legal means.

AgTexas failed to ever file a UCC1 to perfect their security interest.

My client, Henrik, has already issued them a change in the contract and has already sued them, he has also already filed a UCC1 to perfect the security interest in his own property. HENRIK IS THE ONLY INDIVIDUAL WITH A PERFECTED SECURITY INTEREST REGARDING ANYTHING AT HIS FARM.

AgTexas has already filed a temporary restraining order to prevent Henrik from selling his cows (even though they have no legal right to do so, due to only having a collateral concern over “ALL MILK PROCEEDS” as per their own documentation). They have also called the dairy distribution company and now they are withholding all of Henrik’s paychecks in an attempt to bankrupt him. They will stop at nothing to destroy him.

AgTexas is also working with the landlord of the property to attempt to evict Henrik from his farm. In law, this is called “conspiracy.”

AgTexas has also sent threatening and harassing letters to Mr. Hauschildt, despite there being active and ongoing Federal litigation on the matter. They have also been calling him and threatening him over the phone.

AgTexas Farm Credit “Services” has a website that paint them out to be helpful and honest. They have a website that attempts to show how much they care about farming and the local community. Nothing could be farther from the truth: AgTexas is a vicious and sloppy organization that will stop at nothing to enslave and destroy the lives of honest farmers… without anyone thinking anything is wrong at all. Masters of deception.

On 6/22/24, this truck came to try to STEAL the cows of Henrik by AgTexas. Henrik was able to stop them.

This is Wade King. He is the lawyer (“BAR card”) for AgTexas. Please contact him and tell him to STOP the illegal prosecution and ENSLAVEMENT of Henrik Hauschilt and DoubleH Dairy

His work line phone number: 806-576-2971

Cell number:

Email address:

Personal message for Wade King and AgTexas Farm Credit “Services” from Brandon Joe Williams:

You may not be aware that this is how it works. There may be someone in your company or external to your company that you send your loan documents to. These documents are “collateralized” and sent to the Federal Reserve Discount Window in order to swap the original instrument for Federal Reserve Notes. If you have even one decent bone in your body, you will realize that this is enslavement. Maybe you were not aware of how this works. Maybe you are a decent person. But as of right now, you are an accessory to peonage. I will not stop until your enslavement of honest farmers ends. I want you to know that once I finish with Henrik’s lawsuits, I’ll be looking for more “clients” of yours to take on as well to end your reign of terror and enslavement.

Please support Henrik by donating to his GiveSendGo or by sharing this story with everyone you know, especially anyone in the West Texas area or anyone who may be “clients” of AgTexas. PLEASE LET WADE KING AND AGTEXAS KNOW THAT IT IS UNACCEPTABLE TO ENSLAVE HONEST FARMERS.


Henrik can also be found on Facebook at:

Please see this GiveSendGo to donate to Henrik’s situation. Donations help to save the cows, paying for various fees, etc:

Legal statement: Henrik Hauschildt and his entire family are all proud noncitizen nationals of the United States pursuant to 8 USC 1101(a)(22)(B). He has pledged allegiance to the United States in accordance with 22 USC 212. He has also naturalized his entire family into the United States via the process of naturalization found in 8 USC 1101(a)(23). He is a proud American and loves this country and loves what this country stands for. He does not enjoy watching all of the things occurring the country right now and he is standing up against debt slavery, despite all odds, because he does not think this behavior is human, let alone American. Please help us support Henrik in any way that you can. BRANDON JOE WILIAMS HAS CREATED THE ABOVE “GiveSendGo” IN ORDER TO ASSIST HENRIK AND WILL NOT AND DOES NOT WANT ANY OF THE PROCEEDS OF THIS ACTIVITY. BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS WILL BE PAID HANDSOMELY BY THE WINNING OF THE CURRENT FEDERAL LITIGATION BEING DONE ON THIS MANNER. ALL PROCEEDS WILL HAVE ANY FEES DEDUCTED (INCLUDING A 1% DONATION TO “GiveSendGo”) THEN ALL PROCEEDS, MEANING EVERY SINGLE PENNY, WILL BE ISSUED TO HENRIK AND HIS FAMILY. BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS HAS A SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY WITH HENRIK AND COULD EXPERIENCE SEVERE PENALTIES FOR BREACHING HIS FIDUCIARY DUTY. BRANDON JOE WILLIAMS IS LEARNING THROUGH THIS PROCESS OF PRESS RELEASES, LITIGATION, ETC AND HE FINDS TREMENDOUS VALUE IN THE EUDCATIONAL PROCESS ALONE, AS CONSIDERATION.